(Sorry about the pop ups and banner ads - but how else to you pay for a free website you've had for since 1998!)

Welcome Richmond Sr. High Class of 1984!

Richmond County, NC

After almost 30 years, it's time to move on..

Freeservers has been very good to us, they have hosted our reunion page for 25+ years. While still free, their ads have caused a lot of problems. They trigger several virus scanners. I emailed them about this several times years ago and now 5 years later, nothing has changed. Still alerts and blocks due to their ads.

So I'm now shutting down this site and moving it to Weebly. Please click on the following link to go to the new site: http://1984raiders.weebly.com/

This Site Built & Labored Over by  Gene Mercer

Last Updated on 6/24/14